The Soup Diet

The soup diet can help you lose between 2,5 kilos and 3 kilos (that is between 5.5lb and 6.6lb) in three days and between 7.5 and 8.5 kilos (that is between 16.5lb and 18.5lb) in 7 days . This diet was designed for people with heart problems who had to lose weight quickly in order to undergo surgery. Basically, this type of diet has a basic purifying and diuretic purpose and can be performed as many times as desired to cleanse the body. It is very important not to prolong this diet for more than 7 days since it could be harmful to your health. It is best to follow it for a week and then rest for at least 7 days, then, if you wish, you can start again.

This diet is based on the consumption of soup that can be prepared in abundance and stored in the fridge so you don't need to make soup every day. View soup recipe. Procedure: Day One: Eat only soup and fresh fruit, except bananas. Melons and watermelons are recommended because they are low calorie fruits. Remember, you should only drink fresh juices, tea, coffee with no sugar and water. Day Two: This day you should only eat vegetables, no fruit. Eat fresh vegetables, canned, steamed, or raw. You can cook them with the soup broth. Do not use any butter or oil. Try to eat green leafy vegetables. Do not eat any beans or legumes. Eat the vegetables with the soup. At night you are rewarded with a large baked potato with a some butter or olive oil if you want. Day Three: This day is the combination of the two, you can have fruits and vegetables all day, except bananas. Do not eat any potatoes at night. Day Four: Soup, bananas and skimmed milk. You can have bananas on this day, they will help you not to fall into the temptation of eating sweets. Day Five: Today you should have meat. You can eat up to half a kilo of defatted meat (if you choose to eat chicken, take off its skin) and up to five fresh tomatoes. You should have between five and eight glasses of water to get rid of the uric acid from the meat. Have some soup at least once during the day. Day Six: Today is a day of vegetables and meat: eat until you are filled with vegetables and meat. If you want a good steak you can have it for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. Eat lots of salad with meat, but no potatoes. Make sure you have some soup at least once during the day. Day Seven: To end the week, have some brown rice (with skin, medium brown), natural fruit juices and vegetables. Fill yourself again. Remember to have some soup at least once a day. This diet is recommended under medical supervision as it could create health risks. It is advisable to live a healthy lifestyle and to exercise regularly and in moderation.

Comments on The Soup Diet

Soup Diet
I think these are very useful article i never read this elsewhere. Thanks for the information.
Commented on 12-03-2010
Sandy Hines
Hi, I’m from the UK and although I work in nutrition myself I had never heard of a soup diet before. It does sound interesting, so I intend to investigate further as I have a number of clients who might benefit from it. Thanks for the post.
Commented on 23-08-2011

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