Pizza and pasta diet

The pizza and pasta diet is a kind of diet that allows you to lose up to 2 kilos in 2 days (4.4 pounds in 2 days). The diet is based on eating pizza and pasta which is very suitable for weekends, but it is not recommended to repeat it too often. Every day, before breakfast, you should have an orange juice or a grapefruit juice (natural and without any sugar if possible). It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water every day but not during your meals.

For breakfast and as a snack:

  • Tea, coffee, or herbal tea.
  • 2 whole meal toasts with skimmed cheese (or light jam) or a skimmed yogurt.

For lunch:

  • Vegetable broth, form the vegetables you most desire.
  • Two portions of tomato and vegetable pizza. We recommend eggplant pizza, mushroom pizza, spinach pizza or onion pizza.

For dinner:

  • Vegetable broth, if there's enough broth, you can have it both days.
  • A small dish of spaghetti or noodles with tomato sauce
  • An orange, it is always better to have fruit an hour after your lunch or dinner to avoid mixing the nutrients.

The pizza and pasta diet is not a low calorie diet so it is not advised for people following a weight loss plan based on eating less calories than usual. The success of the pizza diet is based on avoiding mixing foods but you should bare in mind that all these foods are relatively high in calories. In case you wish or need to lose more weight than what the pizza and pasta diet offers we recommend going to a specialist for a more specific and personalized treatment.

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