The Pasta and Pizza Diet
The Pizza Diet is a type of diet that allows you to lose over 4lb in 2 days (2 kilos in 2 days). The diet is based on pizza and pasta consumption and it is not advisable to repeat it too often, which makes it very suitable for weekends. Every day, before breakfast, have some orange or grapefruit juice (natural and unsweetened if possible). It is important to drink at least two liters of water a day but not during the meals.
Breakfast and snack:
- Tea, coffee, or tea.
- Two whole-wheat toasts with light cheese (or light jam) or a skimmed yogurt.
- Vegetable broth, made from any vegetables you wish.
- Two servings of tomato and vegetable pizza among which it is recommended eggplant pizza, mushroom pizza, spinach pizza or onion pizza.
- Vegetable broth, if you make enough broth you can have the rest the following day.
- A small dish of noodles or spaghetti with tomato sauce.
- An orange. It is always preferable to eat fruit one hour after lunch or dinner to avoid the nutrients being mixed.
The Pizza Diet is not a low-calorie type of diet, it is therefore not advisable for people following a weight loss plan based on consuming less calories than usual. The pizza diet's success is based on not mixing the food but you should be aware that the diet contains relatively high calorie food. In case you need or wish to lose more weight than what the Pizza Diet offers, readers are advised to see a specialist for a personalized and specific treatment.
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