Sandwich Diet

The Sandwich Diet is a type of diet designed for those who tend to eat out and find it hard to follow diets and treatments. Sandwich diets can allow you to lose between 8 and 11 pounds in a month, (between 4 and 5 kilos in a month) by changing your daily food for sandwiches and by following some of the tips that you will find here.

Procedure: Breakfast

  • Skimmed milk.
  • Toast.
  • Fruit


  • Coffee with skimmed milk or a skimmed yogurt.


  • Cooked ham and lettuce sandwich. (Or a cold roast beef and lettuce sandwich, or a fresh cheese and tomato sandwich, or a tomato and oregano sandwich, or a cream cheese and grated carrot sandwich, or a vegetable omelette sandwich...)
  • Fruit juice


  • Coffee or tea


  • Pasta with legumes and fruit (or you can also have some rice with vegetables and fruit, or rice with baked rabbit, vegetables and fruit, or a mixed salad with fruit...).

It is important to know that this is a low calorie diet and that weight loss will decrease as time passes because the body will slowly adapt to the energy and calories you consume each day.

Sandwich Diet is tagged under: Low calorie diets, Mediterranean diets, Weight loss diets

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