Exam Diet

The Exam Diet is a specific diet that helps provide the body with the nutrients needed during examinations. This type of diet is not focused on losing weight, its most important thing is to help balance the body's metabolism and to help the body perform at its best during a specific period of time (exam period) in which there is an increase of tension, stress, mental exhaustion, etc. This diet is designed to provide the body with all the nutrients the body needs during an exam such as vitamin B, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and zinc, all related to the ability to concentrate, memory, intellectual performance and mood.

The Exam Diet is not only highly recommended for people in times of examination but also to people who are in similar situations. People who need to make intellectual exertion can also follow this diet to provide their body with the necessary nutrients that will help improve intellectual performance, memory and concept understanding. Procedure: Breakfast:

  • 2 slices of brown bread
  • 1 spoonful of peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon of jam
  • A glass of orange juice (preferably natural) or 1 banana
  • A coffee or 1 tea


  • A light yogurt


  • Green salad
  • 1 grilled fish fillet or a can of tuna
  • A plate full of pasta or an omelet or 1 package of crackers


  • Vegetable juice


  • 2 slices of melon
  • 4 taplespoons of cottage
  • 6 almonds or a spoonful of honey

Exam Diet is tagged under: Mediterranean diets, Special diets

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