Broth Diet for Slimming

The Broth Diet for Slimming allows you to lose up to 11 lb in a month (5 kilos in a month) because it is based on liquid foods such as soup. These type of foods will eliminate, instead of absorb, the small amount of fat consumed. On the other hand, you should not go under the Broth Diet for Slimming for more than three months because the diet's proposed food energy is very low and could weaken your body.

Procedure Day 1: Breakfast

  • Herbal tea with skimmed milk.
  • A slice of wholegrain toast with low-fat cheese.


  • Fat-free vegetable broth
  • A quarter of a chicken, preferably without the skin as it is where most of the chicken's fat and toxins are.
  • A serving of cooked spinach seasoned with some salt and olive oil.


  • A skimmed yogurt.
  • A rice cracker.


  • Fat-free broth
  • Boiled mussels dressed with lemon.
  • Boiled vegetables (as wished).

Day 2: Breakfast

  • A glass of skimmed milk or tea.
  • A slice of wholegrain toast with spread cheese.


  • Fat free broth (of any kind).
  • Two light Vienna sausages.
  • Boiled cabbage seasoned with salt, oil and vinegar
  • Light jelly.


  • A herbal tea with some skimmed milk.
  • A rice cracker.


  • A vegetable soup (as wished).
  • Vegetable salad.
  • Grilled chicken breast without the skin.
  • A baked apple.

Day 3: Breakfast

  • A skimmed yogurt (of any kind).
  • A slice of wholegrain toast with white cheese.


  • Fat-free broth (of any kind).
  • Oven baked or grilled fish.
  • A mixed salad.
  • A mandarin.


  • Herbal tea with some skimmed milk.
  • Two sugar-free cookies.


  • Vegetable soup (of any kind).
  • Grilled chicken without the skin and shredded carrots.
  • Homemade flan.

After these three days, the cycle can be repeated as many times as necessary. It is advisable to consult a specialist so you can be monitored and receive more specific advice based on your own characteristics and needs.

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