Basic 2500 Calorie Diet
The basic 2,500 calorie diet is a type of diet that due to its high levels of carbohydrates it will help you perform your daily activities vigorously and dynamically. This diet is very complete but it may not be appropriate for those who need to lose weight because it is an energy diet - in some cases it can also work as a maintenance diet. This diet is a basic example of what to eat during one day. You can use this example to change or adequate the diet to your personal taste.
Menu 1: Breakfast
- 200 cc. of skimmed milked with or without coffee or tea
- 60 grams of brown bread with margarine
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 50 cc. coffee with milk
- Broth with no fat
- 55 grams o rice or pasta
- 200 grams of vegetables
- 175 grams of lean meat cooked as wished
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 70 grams of bread
- 200 cc. skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- You can have the same as your lunch or you can change it for 75 grams of ham or 150 grams of lean ham with no fat
Menu 2: Breakfast
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- 60 grams brown bread with 50 grams of lean ham with no fat
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 50 cc. of coffee with milk
- Broth with no fat
- 65 grams of boiled legumes with vegetables
- 200 grams of vegetables
- 175 grams of lean meat cooked as wished
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 70 grams of bread
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- 1 egg and an egg white cooked as wished
- 90 grams of lean ham with no fat or 55 grams of ham
Menu 3: Breakfast
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- 60 grams brown bread with 30 grams of lean ham
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 50 cc. coffee with milk
- Broth with no fat
- 225 grams of boiled potatoes
- 200 grams of vegetables
- 175 grams of lean meat cooked as you wish
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 70 grams of bread
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- You can have the same as your lunch or you can change it for 75 grams of ham or 150 grams of lean ham with no fat
Menu 4: Breakfast
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- 150 grams of fresh fruit.
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 50 cc. of coffee with milk
- Broth without fat
- 225 grams of boiled peas
- 200 grams of salad dressed as wished
- 175 grams of lean meat
- 100 grams of fresh fruit
- 70 grams of bread
- 200 cc. of skimmed milk with or without coffee or tea
- 1 egg and an extra egg white cooked as you wish
- 90 grams of lean ham with no fat or 55 grams of ham
You should also follow these tips in order to make the 2200 calorie diet even more complete: Every night before bedtime you could have 100 cc. of skimmed milk. Meat and fish can be substituted (once a week) for two eggs (in any style) in the same way that vegetables and salads can be replaced by a vegetable soup with some pasta. It is advised not to consume any sweet, carbonated or alcoholic beverages because of its high calorie content. If you have some kind of disease or pathology you should see a specialist to help you monitor and follow the diet and to avoid any possible consequences.
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