Anti-Stress Diet
The Anti-Stress Diet is not the ultimate solution to end stress, but it is a good ally for fighting against the negative effects that stress can cause to our metabolism. Stress is a phenomenon that affects more people every day. Stress causes many psychological and physiological problems that contribute to the oxidation and premature aging of our bodies. The Anti-Stress diet lasts two days and it is very rich in vitamins and in antioxidant properties that will help prevent aging.
Procedure: Day 1: Breakfast
- Orange juice.
- A yogurt with fresh fruit.
- A whole grain toast with cottage cheese.
- Tea or decaffeinated coffee.
- Vegetable salad.
- Fish with fresh tomato.
- Fruit salad.
- White tea.
- Semi-skimmed milk or a skimmed yogurt.
- Brown rice with fish and shellfish.
- Sautéed vegetables.
- Fruit salad.
- Mint tea.
Day 2: Breakfast
- Orange juice.
- A kiwi.
- A slice of toast with fruit jam.
- Tea, herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee and skimmed milk.
- Vegetable salad with avocado.
- Brown rice with green peppers and tuna.
- Fruit salad.
- Semi-skimmed milk or a skimmed yogurt.
- Asparagus, broccoli and grilled artichokes with garlic and parsley.
- Fish (roasted or grilled).
- Tropical salad.
- White tea.
Some of the most important aspects of the anti stress diet is how you eat: you should be relaxed, try to chew well and eat quietly to help digestion.
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